The woman, who hails from northern Uttar Pradesh province, said she was left in fear after police failed to detain 55-year-old Ameer Ahmad, and Sattar Ahmad, 45, after she reported them for r*pe.
She said her requests were repeatedly ignored by officer Singh who instead questioned her on the lurid details of the alleged attack, before suggesting she “fulfill my desires.”
The case was reported by Times of India, which says it has recordings of Singh making his advances because he was caught on tape by the lady.
The woman explained that Ameer and Satar offered her a lift home from a relative’s house, only to return and r*ped her later when they discovered she was home alone.
She reported the case to police, but said officers failed to file charges until she went to a local court to complain.
She lamented that her attackers, who live in the same village, were left free to roam the streets, leaving her in fear of her life.
She said despite making desperate pleas to Singh to jail the pair, he instead began messaging her phone asking to meet in private and propositioning her.
When she complained about his behaviour, she claims he closed the case.
But Singh kept on harassing her, at which point she made secret recordings and took them to the police chief.
Speaking about the tapes, police superintendent, Vipin Tada said, “The voice in the audio clip doesn’t match with that of the [investigator]. But we will investigate her charges thoroughly.”
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